COVID-19 Update Information
With the Federal Government removing the mandatory isolation period, and the Victorian Government announcing the end of the Pandemic Declaration and associated Pandemic Orders, we will continue to take steps to protect the DeakinACTIVE community against COVID-19.
The health and wellbeing of Deakin students and our DeakinACTIVE members remains a priority. DeakinACTIVE will continue to adhere to the Department of Health’s recommendations to ensure that we remain a safe space for all members, staff and the Deakin University community.
Stay Home
If you are not feeling well please be responsible and stay at home. The advice of DeakinACTIVE and Deakin University is to not attend the gym if you are symptomatic. If you develop symptoms while at DeakinACTIVE, you should wear a face mask, and leave the facility as soon as possible to get tested.
Mask Wearing
Mask wearing is still strongly encouraged in situations where physical distancing is difficult, such as spotting weights.
Testing Positive
While mandatory COVID-19 isolation no longer applies, patrons should not attend the gym for at least 5 days from a positive test and until they are no longer symptomatic. Please inform us of your positive test result, so that we can suspend your membership during your isolation period. COVID-19 related suspensions can be backdated, do not require 3 days’ notice, and do not count towards your 12 weeks of free suspension per year.
Thank you for your consideration and your continued efforts to keep DeakinACTIVE safe and well.