DeakinACTIVE Referral Program - Reap the Rewards

DeakinACTIVE Referral Program

New! Referral Program to Reap the Rewards!

Want your own workout buddy or the opportunity to get some free membership credits?

Refer a friend to DeakinACTIVE and you can both win!

  • Your friend gets 5 days for free with our 5-day free trial
  • If they sign up as a member after their trial, you get 7-days for free as a week’s free credit off your membership

No limitations on how many friends you sign up! Sign up 10 friends. That would equal 70 days credit for free!


Simply follow these steps:

Current member:

  1. Log into your DeakinACTIVE Client Portal – and go to the ‘Edit Profile’ area
  2. Write down your Referral code (so we can track your free credits)
  3. Give this code to your buddy/referral


  1. Create an account with DeakinACTIVE online. Click here and follow the steps to sign up
  2. Enter your buddy’s Referral code as part of creating an account (so we can track your free credits)
  3. If you can’t locate your Referral code, speak to our friendly reception staff when you come into the gym, or get your buddy/referrer to mention your name to our staff (so we can make a note on both of your accounts)
  4. Enjoy your 5-days for free and we hope you’ll stick around to become a member afterwards
  5. Once you are an active member – then you can also refer your friends to access free credits too!

Win-win for everyone to enjoy!